Joanna, our Green Connector, heads up a team of 10 people who make up our Community Gardener, these people are eager to share their journey of growing their own food from home. It is a fantastic opportunity to learn together and share each others highs and lows. Growing your own food is a simple solution to numerous health, environmental, and economic problems. Whether you’re just growing a single tomato plant or have an entire backyard farm. The process of successfully planting a seed, watching it grow, then harvesting and consuming it is a satisfying and rewarding feeling. Knowing you did the work to grow the food on your plate gives you a new appreciation and connection to food.
By growing your own food, you are saving money on gas and produce that would have been spent traveling to the grocery store. Food in its freshest form is not only the tastiest way to enjoy it, but also the most nutritional. The majority of produce sold in grocery stores go through a long process of being picked, shipped and distributed to various stores, and end up staying in storage or on the shelf for a while before being purchased, losing nutritional value.
You are the one planting, maintaining, and harvesting the food, therefore you know exactly where it came from and what went into it. It is comforting to know that there were no harmful chemicals or pesticides used to grow the produce you plan to consume. Gardening is a fun way to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine. Getting regular exercise can relieve stress, anxiety and depression, while boosting energy. Gardening is also a great way to absorb vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is crucial in order to maintain healthy bones and teeth, and it can also protect against certain diseases.