How it began:
In 2019 low-cost housing for people was identified as a local priority for the community, residents highlighted the need for social housing for single people, small families, veterans, and people with additional needs. Conversations began with Plymouth City Council to look at what might be possible in relation to a designated self-build plot on Lancaster Gardens, Plymouth. In June 2019 the partnership put in a bid to Homes England to help fund the initial stages of the project and in August Homes England awarded the Trust £50,050 to take the project through to the planning stage.
We employed Barefoot Architects in October 2019 and initial plans were drawn up using planning for real workshops. The steering group wanted to ensure designs reduced fuel bills, minimized neighbour noise, and didn’t overheat in the summer. They also prioritised housing that was sustainable with high environmental standards in a ‘community space,’ that encouraged tenants and wider community to thrive and feel safe.
In April 2023 we were given full planning permission for the project. The final designs are for 10 homes built to passivhaus standard using low carbon embodied materials. They include a community garden incorporating food growing spaces and spaces to play and socialise.